
How To Score Locus Of Control Scale

Equally the environment around you changes, y'all can either attribute success and failure to things y'all take control over, or to forces exterior your influence.

Which orientation you lot choose has a bearing on your long-term success.

This orientation is known as your "locus of control." Its study dates back to the 1960s, with Julian Rotter'south investigation into how people's behaviors and attitudes affected the outcomes of their lives.

Locus of control describes the degree to which individuals perceive that outcomes result from their own behaviors, or from forces that are external to themselves. This produces a continuum with external command at ane end and internal control at the other, every bit shown in figure 1, below:

Figure ane. The Locus of Control Calibration.

Locus of Control

People who develop an internal locus of control believe that they are responsible for their own success. Those with an external locus of control believe that external forces, like luck, determine their outcomes.

Employ the interactive quiz below to determine your current locus of command:

Understanding Your Ain Locus of Control


For each pair of statements, cull the one that you believe to exist the almost accurate, not the i y'all wish was nearly true. Think, there are no right or wrong answers. Click the "Summate My Total" button to add together up your score and check your result using the scoring tabular array underneath.

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22 Statements to Answer

i STATEMENT A: Bad luck is what leads to many of the disappointments in life. Argument B: Disappointments are usually the consequence of mistakes you make.
2 Argument A: Political unrest and state of war normally occur in countries where people don't get involved, or affirm their political rights. Statement B: No matter how much people become involved, war and political unrest volition occur.
3 Statement A: You lot "reap what you sow". In the terminate, your rewards will be directly related to what y'all attain. STATEMENT B: Despite your effort and difficult work, what you achieve will probably become unnoticed.
4 STATEMENT A: Teachers treat students fairly and evaluate their performance as objectively as possible. STATEMENT B: The grades yous earn in schoolhouse have more to do with factors like how much the teacher likes you, or your mood on the mean solar day of a examination.
5 Statement A: To become a leader, you lot must be in the correct identify at the right time. STATEMENT B: Those who are capable of leadership only don't lead, accept failed to capitalize on the opportunities afforded to them.
half-dozen Statement A: There are some people in this earth that will not like you, no thing what yous do. STATEMENT B: If you have good interpersonal skills and know how to get along with others, so getting people to like you is not difficult at all.
7 Statement A: If something is meant to happen, it will; there is fiddling y'all can do to modify it. STATEMENT B: You decide what volition happen to you lot. You lot don't believe in fate.
8 STATEMENT A: If y'all are prepared for an interview, you increase your likelihood of doing well. Argument B: At that place is no point preparing for an interview considering the questions they ask are completely random and determined by whim.
9 Argument A: To be successful in your career takes a lot of hard work and dedication, because effort is what makes the divergence. Argument B: Information technology's who you know, not what you know, that determines how adept a job y'all get.
x STATEMENT A: One person tin can take an affect on government policy and decisions. STATEMENT B: Normal people tin't do much to modify the world; the elite and powerful make all the decisions.
11 Statement A: If you lot set a reasonable goal, you tin attain information technology with difficult work and commitment. Statement B: There'southward no indicate in planning ahead or setting goals because as well much tin can happen that you can't control.
12 STATEMENT A: Luck doesn't play a large office in getting what you want out of life. Statement B: Life is like a game of adventure. What you become or what happens to yous is generally a matter of fate.
13 STATEMENT A: Managers and supervisors got those positions past beingness in the correct place and knowing the right people. STATEMENT B: To be a manager or supervisor you have to demonstrate that y'all know how to get things done through, and with, people.
fourteen STATEMENT A: Accidents or twists of fate are what actually make up one's mind the course of a person's life. STATEMENT B: The notion that luck largely determines your life is a fallacy.
15 STATEMENT A: People have so many ulterior motives; it'south impossible to determine who actually likes you and who doesn't. STATEMENT B: How y'all care for people largely determines whether they like you.
16 STATEMENT A: After all is said and washed; the positives and negatives of life are basically half and one-half. Argument B: When something negative happens information technology is usually a result of apathy, lack of knowledge, inability, or a combination of these.
17 Statement A: Abuse in politics tin be eliminated if we all put in enough effort. Argument B: Once a politician is elected, there is little anyone tin can do to command him or her.
18 STATEMENT A: The assessments I get at work are completely at the whim of my supervisor; I don't understand them at all half the time. STATEMENT B: How difficult I work and how much pride I take in my task largely determines the results of my performance assessment.
19 Statement A: I frequently feel that I have niggling control over my life, and what happens to me. Argument B: I don't believe that luck or take a chance play a large role in determining what happens in my life.
20 Statement A: If you're lone, it's because you don't try hard enough to get along with people and be friendly. Argument B: Despite being friendly and pleasant, if someone doesn't like you, there'southward not much you can do to modify his or her opinion.
21 STATEMENT A: The things that happen in your life are of your own doing. Argument B: You lot don't take much control over what happens in life, or in the management your life is headed.
22 STATEMENT A: Why politicians make the decisions they do is anybody'south guess! STATEMENT B: The people are every bit much responsible for regime decisions every bit the politicians themselves.
Score Annotate

Internal Locus of Control (strong)


Internal Locus of Control (moderate)


External Locus of Command


This assessment has not been validated and is intended for illustrative purposes merely. Information technology is patterned after the Locus of Control Scale developed and presented in Rotter, J.B. (1966), "Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement," Psychological Monographs, lxxx (Whole No. 609).

Internal Locus of Control (strong)

If you have a strong internal locus of control, you volition likely feel that y'all're in full control of the events in your life. You are self-motivated and focused on achieving the goals you have set for yourself. For these reasons, people with a strong internal locus of command oft make skilful leaders.

Nevertheless, in that location is a potential downside to having a very strong internal locus of control. Your powerful self-belief may hateful that you discover it difficult to take management, so be careful to avoid seeming big-headed or "walking over" other people in pursuit of your objectives. And be sure to manage risks properly – random events do occur for all sorts of reasons.

A very strong internal drive may lead you to believe that you tin control everything, and if your plans don't work out you may feel responsible for their failure – even when events were genuinely across your command. This tin lead to frustration, anxiety and, in farthermost cases, stress or depression.

Internal Locus of Control (moderate)

You probable come across your future as being in your ain hands. Equally a result, y'all engage in activities that will ameliorate your situation: you work hard to develop your knowledge, skills and abilities, and you take note of data that you can apply to create positive outcomes.

However, few people have a wholly internal or external locus of command: well-nigh of us fall somewhere betwixt the two ends of the spectrum. Your locus of control may vary in unlike situations – at piece of work and at dwelling, for example – and it may change over fourth dimension. People often tend toward a more than internal locus of control as they abound older and their ability to influence the events in their lives increases.

Having a moderate, rather than potent, internal locus of control may make you more able to accept situations that you tin can't influence, and to manage them effectively when they ascend.

External Locus of Control

If you have an external locus of control, y'all likely believe that what happens to you is the upshot of luck or fate, or is adamant by people in authority. You may tend to give up when life doesn't "go your fashion," because y'all don't feel that you take the power to alter it.

To overcome this, pay attention to your cocky-talk. When you hear yourself saying things like "I have no selection," or "There'south zilch I can exercise," step back and remind yourself that you can always make choices. Set up goals for yourself and note how you are making positive changes in your life by working toward and achieving these goals. You'll observe that your cocky-confidence apace builds.

Yous may find it useful to develop your decision making and problem-solving skills. These tools tin can enable yous to accept greater buying of situations, rather than blaming circumstances or forces "beyond your control" when things get wrong.

Key Points

Your locus of control says a lot virtually how you view the world and your office in determining the course of your life.

When you believe y'all have the power to control your own destiny and determine your own management, you accept a strong internal locus of control. In well-nigh cases, this is an important attitude to have if you lot want to exist successful.

People with an internal locus of command tend to piece of work harder and persevere longer in order to get what they desire. This is not to say that having an external locus of control is e'er bad: there are some situations where this arroyo can work well. The fundamental for your own personal evolution is to understanding your natural tendency and and so adapting it to the situations you lot are faced with.

How To Score Locus Of Control Scale,


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